Matthew Malone
May 25, 2022

Thien Ho, a candidate for Sacramento County district attorney (DA), held a meet-and-greet in Galt at the home of Galt City Council Member Kevin Papineau. Ho, who serves as the county’s assistant chief deputy district attorney, spoke with attendees about issues he plans to address if elected.
Also running in the June 7 election is Alana Mathews. With only two candidates, the one who receives the most votes will win automatically, without a November runoff.
Homelessness was a major topic at the May 21 gathering, and Ho said he wants to organize a “homelessness summit” that would “pull together everyone into the same room” so that the different levels of government can coordinate their responses. He also said that he interprets existing court rulings as giving jurisdictions more leeway than attendees may have thought to regulate where homeless people can store their belongings.
Papineau previously worked as a detective in the Elk Grove Police Department and first met Ho while investigating a child molestation case in 2006. Papineau now serves as a criminal investigator in the DA’s office.
The council member described Ho as “a natural leader” who “was always working hard and willing to share his skills and abilities with everybody else.”
All five Galt City Council members have endorsed Ho’s campaign.